Recorded Thursday, November 12, 2020
Presenter names: Tegan Dixon, Sarah Wellman, Daryl McPadden, Katie McEwen, Antoinette Tessmer, Garth Sabo, & Elizabeth Tinsley Johnson
Session Description:
The Faculty Accessibility Fellows (FAF) Program provided proactive training for a cohort of educators seeking to design, establish, and maintain accessible environments in their teaching, scholarship, and professional activities. This training involved workshops, conferences, discussions, peer review, student interaction and feedback, and reflection. The program was built from a collaborative pedagogical network built on the foundation provided by RCPD’s student support, the technical framework developed by IT Services’ Digital Experience team, and the teaching and learning assistance provided by individual Colleges. This panel will be hosted by a subset of the fellows and will focus on their reflections of the FAF program and its impact on their courses.