CSTAT Fall 2023 Seminar: Intro to Reproducible Reports in R Using Quarto (Session 1)
From Jamin Villarreal
From Jamin Villarreal
This class will introduce people to Quarto, which is a reporting and presentation creation tool in Rstudio (now Posit).
It assumes that you have taken the equivalent of the CSTAT R class You Can Learn R! Part 1 (Seminar), but you don't have to have experience with Rmarkdown or Quarto.
This session will cover:
Please also sign up for Session 2, where we will write reports.
You can bring your own computer, or work on the computers in the MSU computer lab. We will use R on on Posit Cloud (formerly RStudio Cloud), so everything will be set up. Instructions will be sent before the class.
To learn more about Quarto see https://quarto.org.
Prerequisites: Introductory knowledge about R