WorkLife Office Presents: Family Affinity Group - Avoiding Power Struggles with Your Children
Jonathon Novello, MSU EAP counselor and parent of three occasionally frustrating kids, returns to the WorkLife Office speaker series to talk to parents about how our attempts to coerce our kids to change for the better can often result in the creation of a “power struggle.” Power struggles are frustrating for everyone involved, often resulting from parents using threats or bribes in an attempt to force behavior change, but which ends up fueling a child’s resistance, making the problem much worse. The session will help participants learn a set of skills and concepts that allow people to parent from a place of strong, durable connection, making it easier to navigate the challenging moments of growing up – even during a pandemic.
Learning Objectives:Jonathon Novello is a clinical social worker and counselor with the Michigan State University Employee Assistance Program. He has been practicing for over 20 years and has worked extensively with teens, tweens, children, and parents, helping families find new ways to work together and improve their relationships with each other. Jon speaks from not only his clinical experience and his knowledge of current best practices, but also with a deep understanding, empathy, and appreciation of the challenges parents face raising their kids.