From Julie Taylor
| 17 17 playsThis video introduces working with Tables in Microsoft Word. Please visit the Publishing Services website at lib.msu.edu/publish for more information. -
From Julie Taylor
| 36 36 playsThis video introduces working with Images in Microsoft Word: inserting, editing, positioning, and styling. Please visit the Publishing Services website at… -
From Julie Taylor
| 44 44 playsThis video demonstrates how to add Page Numbers to your document in Microsoft Word. Please visit the Publishing Services website at lib.msu.edu/publish for more… -
From Julie Taylor
| 26 26 playsThis video demonstrates how to use Breaks in Microsoft Word: line breaks, paragraph breaks, page breaks, and section breaks. Please visit the Publishing Services… -
From Julie Taylor
| 10 10 playsThis video demonstrates the Show/Hide formatting option in Microsoft Word and how it can be useful to troubleshoot unexpected formatting issues in your design. Please… -
From Julie Taylor
| 37 37 playsThis video demonstrates how to have Microsoft Word automatically add a table of contents based on styles you applied in your book. It also shows how to modify the look… -
From Julie Taylor
| 15 15 playsThis video demonstrates how to modify Styles in Microsoft Word. Please visit the Publishing Services website at lib.msu.edu/publish for more information. -
From Julie Taylor
| 54 54 playsThis video explains how and why to use styles when formatting the content of your book. Please visit the Publishing Services website at lib.msu.edu/publish for more… -
From Julie Taylor
| 47 47 playsThis video explains how to design your title page and copyright page for your book. Please visit the Publishing Services website at lib.msu.edu/publish for more… -
From Julie Taylor
| 52 52 playsThis video demonstrates how to change your margins and set up a two-page spread in Microsoft Word. Please visit the Publishing Services website at lib.msu.edu/publish… -
From Julie Taylor
| 62 62 playsThis video demonstrates how to change your document page size in Microsoft Word for Windows and Mac computers. Please visit the Publishing Services website at…