03/07/24 - Describing, Promoting, and Valuing Excellent Scholarship
From Brittany Thayer
From Brittany Thayer
In this webinar, six researchers from the College of Human Medicine’s non-tenure appointment systems will participate in a panel discussion for our college on “research excellence.” This panel, representing a range of fields and approaches, will share thinking about what makes scholarship of any kind “excellent,” and what kinds of evidence help us understand if scholarship is excellent across a diverse landscape of funding and dissemination possibilities.
The panelists are:
Joan Ilardo, Associate Professor – Fixed Term
Karen Kelly-Blake, Associate Professor – Fixed Term
Heather Laird-Fick, Professor – Health Programs
Ade Olomu, Professor – Health Programs
Julie Phillips, Professor – Health Programs
Erica Wehrwein, Associate Professor – Fixed Term
The panelists will share information about their various roles and the role of their scholarship in their current work.
This information is important for any MSU-paid faculty member with assigned research/scholarship effort, especially those outside the tenure and research appointment systems, and for those who support or evaluate such people in working toward promotion. Community-based clinical/adjunct faculty interested in seeking promotion at MSU should also find it useful.
Sponsored by the College of Human Medicine Office of Faculty Affairs and Development.