04/11/24 - Preparing the External Review Package
From Brittany Thayer
From Brittany Thayer
In this workshop, Dr. Stacey Pylman will help faculty preparing materials for reappointment, promotion and tenure process maximize their ability to convey their key accomplishments to external reviewers. In every appointment system at MSU, promotion requires a comparison of the applicant’s work and accomplishments to people doing similar work at peer institutions. Being an external reviewer takes (uncompensated) time, and it can be difficult work if the materials one receives for review are disorganized and the argument for quality is unclear. In this presentation, Stacey will help you use evidence of your academic accomplishments and inspire external reviewers to provide letters that start the multi-level review process out on the best possible note.
Stacey Pylman, Ph.D. is the Director of Continuing Medical Education in the College of Human Medicine and an assistant professor in the Office of Medical Education Research and Development. Stacey’s primary role is instructional coaching and faculty development for CHM faculty. Stacey works with all kinds of faculty at MSU and beyond on teaching and learning projects that focus on teaching effectiveness, precepting skills, active learning strategies, online teaching and student learning.
This information is important for any MSU-paid faculty member considering a promotion action in the next year or two, especially those outside the tenure and research appointment systems, and for those who support or evaluate such people in working toward promotion. Community-based clinical/adjunct “non-prefix” faculty interested in seeking promotion at MSU should also find it useful.
Sponsored by the College of Human Medicine Office of Faculty Affairs and Development with support from MSU’s Creating Inclusive Excellence Grant program.