12/06/23 - Conceptual Basis for Promotion
From Brittany Thayer
From Brittany Thayer
Marilyn Amey, Assistant Provost for Faculty and Academic Staff Development at Michigan State University, will present a short talk for our college on “the conceptual basis for promotion,” especially in the MSU-paid non-tenure systems. Information about the conceptual meaning of awarding rank or other actions for the tenure system faculty is readily available (see, for example the provost’s memo at Appointment, Reappointment, Tenure, and Promotion Recommendations (msu.edu)), but there is no analogous document for the other appointment systems. For leaders and faculty alike, this means information about what the rank of associate professor or professor means to this university when applied to people in other systems is harder to access. Understanding the meaning of the senior specialist rank in the academic specialist appointment system is similarly challenging. Marilyn has graciously agreed to share some insights about this for us from the perspective of her office, and offer Q&A.
This information is important for those faculty appointed in one of the MSU-paid non-tenure systems, and for those who support or evaluate people in these systems in working toward promotion. Community-based clinical/adjunct non-prefix faculty, whose promotion expectations closely mirror the MSU-paid health programs system, should also find it useful.
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