2010 Rachel Carson Lecture by Elinor Ostrom
From Shuxin Li
From Shuxin Li
Elinor Ostrom delivered the 2010 Rachel Carson Lecture, "Institutional Robustness: How Institutional Arrangements Facilitate or Detract from Efforts to Sustain Ecological Systems" on Dec. 10, 2010 in the Lincoln Room of the Kellogg Center.
Ostrom is the first woman to win the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences. She is recognized around the world for her groundbreaking research, teaching and scholarship on the complexity of human social and economic behavior, Ostrom is the Arthur F. Bentley Professor of Political Science and senior research director of the Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis at Indiana University. She received the Nobel Prize in 2009.
Ostrom serves on the CHANS-Net Advisory Board and has collaborated with several faculty members at the Center for Systems Integration and Sustainability, including Thomas Dietz, professor of sociology; Bill Taylor, university distinguished professor of fisheries and wildlife; Bill McConnell, CSIS associate director; and Liu. She also received an honorary degree while on campus.