2022 CTRE: Postharvest treatments for spotted lanternfly
From Bert Cregg
From Bert Cregg
Postharvest treatments for spotted lanternfly
1. Austin Lourie, Stephen Corbett - University of California at Davis, Agricultural and Environmental Chemistry Graduate Group, Department of Environmental Toxicology, One Shields Avenue, Davis, California 95616
2. Spencer Walse - USDA ARS, San Joaquin Valley Agricultural Sciences Center, Commodity Protection and Quality Research Program, South Riverbend Ave, Parlier, CA 93648 USA
Occurred: 8:30-9:00 am PDT, June 9 , 2022
The objective of this research is to evaluate a suite of postharvest fumigation treatments to limit the geographic spread of spotted lanternfly (SLF). SLF lays eggs masses on a variety of plant and non-plant material, so the need for postharvest fumigation treatments extends beyond the scope of horticultural interests such as those of the Christmas tree industry. The research will be conducted in three Phases: Phase 1 - lab-scale exploratory fumigations, Phase 2 - commercial-scale confirmatory fumigations, and Phase 3 - technology transfer with regulatory and operational outreach. As such, the research will result in efficacious phytosanitary treatments, which can be applied to goods harboring SLF and its egg masses prior to movement from infested areas. Results of Phase 1 trials involving methyl bromide, phosphine, propylene oxide, sulfuryl fluoride, hydrogen cyanide, and ethyl formate will be presented and discussed. In addition, physiological and biochemical features of SLF eggs will highlighted, with focus on relevance to treatment efficacy.