ANP 363 - Honors Podcast - They Mysteries of Machu Picchu with Stephen Hostetler
Stephen Hostetler created this podcast as an honors project in Spring 2019 for Anthropology 363 - Rise of Civilization. He discusses the mythos surrounding the world-famous Incan site of Machu Picchu, how it has been interpreted in the past, and how it is being reinterpreted with modern research.
Burger, Richard L., and Salazar-Burger, Lucy
1993 Machu Picchu Rediscovered: The Royal Estate In The Cloud Forest. Discovery 24(2):1-12
Magli, Giulio
2010 At the Other End of the Sun’s Path: A New Interpretation of Machu Picchu. Nexus Network Journal 12:321-341.
Reinhard, Johan, and Ceruti, Constanza
2005 Sacred Mountains, Ceremonial Sites, and Human Sacrifice Among the Inca. Archaeoastronomy 19:1-43.
Shullenberger, Geoffrey
That obscure object of desire: Machu Picchu as myth and commodity. Journal
of Latin American Cultural Studies 17:317-333
(media sources)
History -
National Geographic -
Sacred Sites -