At this week’s Explorations in Instructional Technologies brown bag seminar Patti Stewart, Faculty and Organizational Development, will present “Leveraging Teaching and Learning Excellence through Faculty Learning Communities (FLCs).”
TIME: Friday, April 8, from 12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m.
PLACE: Room 105 Natural Science Building.
Faculty Learning Communities (FLCs) at MSU offer faculty, advisors and academic staff an opportunity to explore teaching and learning topics they care deeply about and network with others who are like-minded. Past and present FLCs have examined numerous educational issues, methods and tools that have informed broader impact across campus while providing opportunities for cross-disciplinary collaboration.
This session will outline the structure of FLCs at MSU and feature experiences from representatives of these groups. This panel of FLC participants will share the work of their groups and the impact it had on them as individuals, as well as how they have informed teaching and learning outcomes across campus. Come and share your ideas about topics for future FLCS or suggestions on how the work of these networks might be made more accessible.
This session will be of particular interest to all who are interested in learning about current FLCs and how they work. It is also of interest to faculty who would like to start their own FLC. Come and learn about FLCs what you need to do to propose an FLC (its very easy).