Exploring Academic Leadership: Basics of Parliamentary Procedures
From Cindi Leverich
From Cindi Leverich
Date: November 20, 2024
Time: 12:00 – 1:00 PM EST
Location: Virtual – Zoom
Effective meetings start with an understanding of the rules and customs that govern a deliberative assembly. Especially in higher education, it is important to learn the procedures to allow for active participation in department, college, and institutional governance. This workshop will include a discussion of the hierarchy of rules that govern boards, including the parliamentary authority (Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised) and the role that customs play in dominating a group’s meeting practices. The balance of the workshop will include an overview of parliamentary principles and the roles of members in maintaining those principles, steps to making a motion, and a short discussion of other commonly used motions that help keep business moving in a meeting. Please join Julie Pioch, PRP with MSU Extension for this informative session