Search for tag: "art history"
Demystifying Digital Art History: Past, Present, and FutureThis panel discussion explores the history of digital art history, its methods, and current trends. It took place on April 6, 2022 as part of the ARLIS/NA 50th Annual Conference in Chicago and was…
From Meredith Hale
80 plays
Doing Digital Art History: Redefining Art LibrarianshipIn response to developments in digital scholarship, many arts and humanities librarians find themselves racing to acquire technical expertise to help scholars take advantage of emerging tools and…
From Bonnie Russell
6 plays
New Directions for Digital Research at the University of Toronto, Department of ArtPresentation from the ArLiSNAP VREPS 2016 Conference given on May 21, 2016 by Jacquelyn Clements. Clements discusses her work as a CLIR postdoctoral fellow in data curation for visual resources at…
From Bonnie Russell
6 plays
Supporting the Changing Research Practices of Art HistoriansIthaka S+R, a strategic consulting and research service that focuses on the transformation of scholarship in an online environment, has conducted an in-depth study of research practices in art…
From Meredith Hale
5 plays