33:20duration 33 minutes 20 seconds
VM 130 Anatomy Introduction 1.3 Cartilage and…
VM 130 Anatomy Introduction 1.3 Cartilage and Supportive Structures
03:42duration 3 minutes 42 seconds
Q6 Elastic vrs Fibrocartilage
04:49duration 4 minutes 49 seconds
Q5 Hyaline vrs Fibrocartilage
07:28duration 7 minutes 28 seconds
VM 516 Intrinsic m of the equine shoulder and…
VM 516 Intrinsic m of the equine shoulder and brachium (Dissection video)
05:40duration 5 minutes 40 seconds
VM 516 Horse forelimb extrinsic m, leg removed…
VM 516 Horse forelimb extrinsic m, leg removed from body (Dissection)
03:10duration 3 minutes 10 seconds
VM 516-Synovial joint dissection and model of…
VM 516-Synovial joint dissection and model of joint pouches (dissection video)
04:22duration 4 minutes 22 seconds
VM 516-Ventral structures of the horse neck…
VM 516-Ventral structures of the horse neck (dissection video)
captioned Ioana Sonea 8/17/22
07:31duration 7 minutes 31 seconds
VM 516-Intrinsic m of the equine shoulder and…
VM 516-Intrinsic m of the equine shoulder and brachium (Dissection)
captioned I Sonea 8/17/22
21:49duration 21 minutes 49 seconds
4-5 Bone Development & Dysmorphology
08:22duration 8 minutes 22 seconds
04:26duration 4 minutes 26 seconds
14:52duration 14 minutes 52 seconds
03:18duration 3 minutes 18 seconds
VM 520-Palpation of the canine trachea and larynx
01:32duration 1 minute 32 seconds
VM 520-Palpation of the canine thorax
Supplemental day 4
04:03duration 4 minutes 3 seconds
VM 520-Cat thoracic walls - pleura - lungs…
VM 520-Cat thoracic walls - pleura - lungs Dissection video
02:27duration 2 minutes 27 seconds
VM 520-Skeleton of the thorax of the dog