12:49duration 12 minutes 49 seconds
Sacral and Pelvic Counterstrain
03:49duration 3 minutes 49 seconds
This is a CHM Task Training video linked to the Simulation Resources Task Training: Objectives & Resources page in…
06:44duration 6 minutes 44 seconds
VM 580 Leak Check Anesthesia Machine
04:53duration 4 minutes 53 seconds
VM 535-Lab 1 Reproduction Pathology-Station…
VM 535-Lab 1 Reproduction Pathology-Station 11-Ovaries from horses
10:42duration 10 minutes 42 seconds
VM 568-Diagnostic Imaging of the Urinary…
VM 568-Diagnostic Imaging of the Urinary System-Part 2 Kidney Abnormalities
05:02duration 5 minutes 2 seconds
VM 580 Leak checking 1. Machine-Circuit, 2.…
VM 580 Leak checking 1. Machine-Circuit, 2. Patient-Endotracheal Tube Cuff
02:06duration 2 minutes 6 seconds
SCS 625-Feline castration