Search for tag: "cmse brown bag seminar"


What’s new with the wave equation?Prof. Daniel Appelo Abstract: The defining feature of waves is their ability to propagate over vast distances in space and time without changing shape. This…

From  Yang Yang 8 plays 0  


Title: EM-WaveHoltz: a flexible frequency-domain Maxwell solver built from time-domain solvers Abstract: Two main challenges to design efficient iterative solvers for the frequency-domain Maxwell…

From  Yang Yang 13 plays 0  


Title: Model-constrained deep learning approaches for inference, control, and uncertainty quantification. Abstract: The fast growth in practical applications of machine learning in a range of…

From  Yang Yang 7 plays 0  


Title: Structure-Preserving Machine Learning Moment Closure Models for the Radiative Transfer Equation Abstract: In this talk, we present our work on structure-preserving machine learning (ML)…

From  Yang Yang 10 plays 0  


Title: Introduction of Computing in Bachelor Programs Across the Natural Sciences – Experiences From a Coordinated Effort at the University of Oslo Dr. Knut Mørken Department of…

From  Yang Yang 6 plays 0