05:04duration 5 minutes 4 seconds
VM 525-Bovine salivary glands and oral cavity
01:28duration 1 minute 28 seconds
VM 525-Gross anatomy of the biliary system
VM 525 Day 5
01:09duration 1 minute 9 seconds
VM 525-Ventral midline structures Dog Dissection…
VM 525-Ventral midline structures Dog Dissection video
VM 525 Day 10 prep
04:02duration 4 minutes 2 seconds
VM 525-Topography of ruminant abdomen
VM 525-day 5 prep
14:44duration 14 minutes 44 seconds
VM 525-The Digestive System
05:08duration 5 minutes 8 seconds
VM 525-Liver Biopsy in the Bovine Using the…
VM 525-Liver Biopsy in the Bovine Using the SurgiVet 14 Gauge Biopsy Needle