04:17duration 4 minutes 17 seconds
Learn about Pupil Dilation!
This video was created by Sarah Broida and teaches elementary-age students about how the eyes work and what pupil dilation is. It is fulfilling a requirement for the PSL 475 Honors Option. It is fun,…
01:24duration 1 minute 24 seconds
VM 535-Lab 1 Reproduction Pathology-Station…
VM 535-Lab 1 Reproduction Pathology-Station 05-Testicle and epididymis of wolf
06:41duration 6 minutes 41 seconds
VM 568-Diagnostic Imaging of the Urinary…
VM 568-Diagnostic Imaging of the Urinary System-Part 3 Ureter Abnormalities
10:42duration 10 minutes 42 seconds
VM 568-Diagnostic Imaging of the Urinary System-Part 2 Kidney Abnormalities
49:18duration 49 minutes 18 seconds
VM 565-DCM (oldEcho360_Lect18)