Search for tag: "dynamics"
All Atom Molecular Dynamics Simulations of a Synthetic CarboxysomeLarge system molecular dynamics simulation of a synthetic carboxysome to estimate the permeability of metabolites across the synthetic shell for sustaiability applications.
From Daipayan Sarkar
27 plays
Cómo usar el Libro de Registros AgrícolasThis project was funded by/Este proyecto estuvo financiado por: La Cosecha USDA NIFA BFRDP BFRDP Award # [2017-70017-26860] Michigan State University.
From Florencia Colella
4 plays
Science at the Edge - Rebecca Wade - Dec 4, 2020The Science at the Edge presentation from Rebecca Wade (HITS) recorded over Zoom on Dec. 4, 2020. Host: Alex Dickson
From Alexander Dickson
6 plays