14:35duration 14 minutes 35 seconds
Incisor and Molar Malocclusions-part 4
06:00duration 6 minutes 0 seconds
Floating Theory-Bonus Material
17:09duration 17 minutes 9 seconds
Intro to Equine Dentistry-part 1
07:30duration 7 minutes 30 seconds
GEO206: Review of the Lesson on Plate Tectonics
09:13duration 9 minutes 13 seconds
Natural Hazards & Disasters Lesson Review
04:59duration 4 minutes 59 seconds
History of Meteorology and Krakatoa
Steve Schultze created this 4-minute video lecture for GEO203v (Introduction to Meteorology). The video goes with Lessons 10 and 11 and explores the topic "History of Meteorology and…