56:36duration 56 minutes 36 seconds
Wild About Watching Wildlife-Trail Cameras
Wild About Woods Wetlands & Wildlife: Watching Wildlife discusses using trail cameras to capture wildlife.
01:46duration 1 minute 46 seconds
GIS Simulation of Bear Actvity
This video demonstrates the Bear Activity GIS simulation used in some of our onGEO courses.
08:46duration 8 minutes 46 seconds
VM 580-IV catheter placement live dog
04:53duration 4 minutes 53 seconds
VM 580-IV catheter-how to redirect
02:34duration 2 minutes 34 seconds
This video demonstrates how to warmup on land before getting on the water.
01:19:17duration 1 hour 19 minutes
CSE 101 - Windows File Management - MSU AFS
Overview of computer file management, Windows File Explorer, flash drive management / operations, and MSU AFS file space operations. Total video is approximately 1:20 -- use of chapters to skip…