Search for tag: "igt"
Video Demo on Using the Environmental MapperBeth Weisenborn walks you through the basic functionality of the Michigan RIDE Mapper G.I.S. Viewer. This video is used in Geo 221Lab and the onGEO Professional Certificate Course -IGT.
From Beth Weisenborn
146 plays
onGEO: What is the Professional Certificate in GIS?Want to learn more about our Professional Certificate in GIS? What is onGEO all about? Where in the world are our students? Note: This video's audio is an instrumental song.
From Beth Weisenborn
1,765 plays
onGEO: What do students say about our Professional Certificate in GIS?Want to learn more about our Professional Certificate in GIS? What is onGEO all about? Where in the world are our students? Note: This video's audio is an instrumental song.
From Beth Weisenborn
2,566 plays
Video demo on using Google EarthGoogle Earth demo video for IGT GEO221v and GEO221Lv. Dr. Yi Shi walks you through using Google Earth for our lab/activity. Please disregard the end-portion that talks about Beijing, the Aral Sea,…
From Beth Weisenborn
1,103 plays
GIS Layers AnimationThis animation, "GIS: Putting Geographic Information Systems to Work For You," was created by Harris County Flood Control District ( This animation is used in the…
From Beth Weisenborn
1,295 plays
Relief Map Animation of Growth in the Baltimore-Washington CorridorThis animation accompanies the discussion in Lesson 2 (Geographic & Cartographic Representation). This video is used in Geo221v and N001: Intro. to Geospatial Technology (onGEO Professional…
From Beth Weisenborn
2,004 plays
Digital Elevation Model Animation of Growth in the Baltimore-Washington CorridorThis animation accompanies the discussion in Lesson 2 (Geographic & Cartographic Representation). This video is used in Geo221v and N001: Intro. to Geospatial Technology (onGEO Professional…
From Beth Weisenborn
2,268 plays