Beth Weisenborn walks you through the basic functionality of the Michigan RIDE Mapper G.I.S. Viewer. This video is used in Geo 221Lab and the onGEO Professional Certificate Course -IGT.
Want to learn more about our Professional Certificate in GIS? What is onGEO all about? Where in the world are our students? Note: This video's audio is an instrumental song.
Want to learn more about our Professional Certificate in GIS? What is onGEO all about? Where in the world are our students? Note: This video's audio is an instrumental song.
Google Earth demo video for IGT GEO221v and GEO221Lv. Dr. Yi Shi walks you through using Google Earth for our lab/activity. Please disregard the end-portion that talks about Beijing, the Aral Sea,…
This animation, "GIS: Putting Geographic Information Systems to Work For You," was created by Harris County Flood Control District (https://www.hcfcd.org/). This animation is used in the…
This animation accompanies the discussion in Lesson 2 (Geographic &
Cartographic Representation). This video is used in Geo221v and N001:
Intro. to Geospatial Technology (onGEO Professional…
This animation accompanies the discussion in Lesson 2 (Geographic & Cartographic Representation). This video is used in Geo221v and N001: Intro. to Geospatial Technology (onGEO Professional…