Search for tag: "monitoring"
Filter method for sampling for spotted-wing drosophila larvaeThis video provides instructions for how to use a reusable coffee filter to monitor ripe blueberries for spotted-wing drosophila larvae.
From Steven Van Timmeren
166 plays
Michigan Vernal Pools Partnership - 3rd Annual Partnership Meeting_2020Dec 3_Part 1-AMThis is a Zoom meeting recording (video and audio, Part 1) of the morning session of the 3rd Annual Partnership Meeting of the Michigan Vernal Pools Partnership held virtually on December 3, 2020.
From Yu Man Lee
15 plays
VM 520-D12-Anesthetic Monitoring Options with Small Animal Patients-ClaudeThis lecture was from VM 545 during the Spring 2018 semester. A portion of this lecture will be used for VM 520.
From College of Veterinary Medicine
275 plays