06:48duration 6 minutes 48 seconds
07:38duration 7 minutes 38 seconds
This video discusses what neurons are, and why they are important. We will also be learning about the structures of a neuron and their functions!
08:23duration 8 minutes 23 seconds
A Growth Mindset and Your Brain
A description of what a growth mindset is, and the relation it has with the physical brain. In this video, viewers are invited to participate in an activity where they build a model neuron out of…
36:57duration 36 minutes 57 seconds
VM 517-22Oct_4PM_Section2 Zoom
44:18duration 44 minutes 18 seconds
VM 517-22Oct_3PM_Section2 Zoom
31:08duration 31 minutes 8 seconds
VM 517-Day9_22Oct_3PM_Zoom Session
53:44duration 53 minutes 44 seconds
VM 517-Day 4_ Oct 15_Sect 2_10am
28:03duration 28 minutes 3 seconds
VM 571-Introduction to ANS Pharmacology