Search for tag: "uncertainty"
STT 200 One Proportion Confidence Intervals, Part 2STT 200 Explanation of the logic of confidence intervals and how to interpret them.
From Camille Fairbourn
6,854 plays
Dr. Robey Champine, Assistant Professor, MSU Master of Public Health ProgramRobey B. Champine, PhD, MS, MPH, Assistant Professor, MSU Master of Public Health Program shares a special graduation message with the class of 2020 Public Health graduates.
From Keosha Corder
13 plays
The Importance of NOT Socially Isolating While Simultaneously Practicing Social DistancingPresenter: Jaimie Hutchison, WorkLife Office Social distancing is the important strategy of physically separating ourselves from one another to avoid the spread of the Coronavirus. Social isolation,…
From WorkLife Office WorkLife Office
100 plays
Embracing UncertaintyWhat role does uncertainty play in academic life? Uploaded August 2018
From infolit Information Literacy Department
540 plays