20:30duration 20 minutes 30 seconds
GEO330: Intermontane West & MexAmerica:…
GEO330: Intermontane West & MexAmerica: Physical Setting
23:26duration 23 minutes 26 seconds
This is a video that describes how to design a…
28:40duration 28 minutes 40 seconds
29:08duration 29 minutes 8 seconds
04:02duration 4 minutes 2 seconds
G330: Introduction to the Intermontane West &…
G330: Introduction to the Intermontane West & MexAmerica
This video introduces students to the…
01:32duration 1 minute 32 seconds
ISS310v: Intro to the Course
This video is a general introduction to the first…
04:36duration 4 minutes 36 seconds
HM841 Mod1Relation
01:02duration 1 minute 2 seconds
HM809 WelcomeInstructorintro
01:03duration 1 minute 3 seconds
HM801 sec 731 WelcomeMovie-7-31-13-at-1-18-PM
HM801 sec 731 BriefBioWelcome
04:08duration 4 minutes 8 seconds
2012 Michigan Spring
Steve Schultze created this 4-minute video…