Ian Cowx, an internationally renowned champion of conserving global freshwater fish communities and fisheries, will deliver the 2012 Rachel Carson Distinguished Lecture on Wednesday, Dec. 12, in the…
Emilio F. Moran, a ground-breaking ecological/environmental anthropologist delivered the 2011 Rachel Carson Distinguished Lecture on Dec. 8 in the Lincoln Room of the Kellogg Hotel and Conference…
Elinor Ostrom delivered the 2010 Rachel Carson Lecture, "Institutional Robustness: How Institutional Arrangements Facilitate or Detract from Efforts to Sustain Ecological Systems" on Dec.…
The 2009 Rachel Carson Lecture, "Sustainability, Discounting and Cooperation: The Need for New Institutions," was delivered by Simon Levin on Dec. 10, 2009 at the MSU Packaging Building…
Billie Lee Turner II delivered the 2009 Rachel Carson Lecture, "Land Architecture, Sustainability and the Southern Yucatán," on Jan. 28, 2009 in the Lincoln Room of the Kellogg…
The 2008 Rachel Carson Lecture, "Biodiversity, Sustainability and the Future" was delivered by Peter Raven on May 1, 2008 at the Radiology Auditorium on the Michigan State University…