09:44duration 9 minutes 44 seconds
PSL 475L Honors Option - Candy Spines
After the activity, students should be able to list the four components of the spinal cord, spinal nerves, vertebral bodies, and intervertebral discs. Additionally, they will be able to explain the…
01:38duration 1 minute 38 seconds
Kin868 - Mod4 - Five Criteria for Drills - Part 1
10:50duration 10 minutes 50 seconds
ANTR510 (007) Early Embryology: Somites and…
ANTR510 (007) Early Embryology: Somites and Neural Tube
37:18duration 37 minutes 18 seconds
Preanesthetic Agents-Bohart
16:30duration 16 minutes 30 seconds
Maxillary 4th premolar extraction