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MSUCOM - RCR WebinarsThis is the original recording. Individual sessions are available: 1_asqee4pp: RCR Webinars 01 - Student Research and Scholarly Activity at MSUCOM 1_enhvf4r2: RCR Webinars 02 - Responsible Conduct…
From College of Osteopathic Medicine AP
18 plays
03.13.2021 Sigma Sigma Phi Initiation CeremonyZoom Recording ID: 99921132978 UUID: CsZqPP0WTCmFB9Z8L3T9zw== Meeting Time: 2021-03-13T15:40:28Z
From Jennifer Miller
2 plays
COMLEX, Clerkship, and BeyondHosted by the Class of 2023 Class Government, Dr. Alyse Ley presents a guide to approaching COMLEX and the years beyond.
From College of Osteopathic Medicine AP
21 plays
03.15.2021 SGA SummitZoom Recording ID: 97746365025 UUID: eajNpZRdSS+bULIHG16M9g== Meeting Time: 2021-03-15T17:34:28Z
From Jennifer Miller
6 plays