Week 4 notes for Fall 2022 GEO 221LABv by Beth Weisenborn -- MSU Department of Geography, Environment, and Spatial Sciences.
Video walking students through Part 2 and the first few steps of Part 3 in the GIS - Data Analysis (Part 2) lab by Beth Weisenborn -- MSU Department of Geography, Environment, and Spatial Sciences. …
Week 4 notes for Fall 2021 GEO 221LABv by Beth Weisenborn -- MSU Department of Geography, Environment, and Spatial Sciences.
Week 3 notes for Fall 2021 GEO 221LABv by Beth Weisenborn -- MSU Department of Geography, Environment, and Spatial Sciences.
This is the second of two videos for the front page design assignment using InDesign.
Fundamentals of Two-dimensional Maps. This video
is used in Geo221v.
Geographic and Cartographic Representation. This video is used in Geo221v.
This is a walk-through of the Geo221v GIS Analysis Activity. Use this video if you are unable to complete the activity on your own. Beth Weisenborn.
In this workshop we compare two vector data types and make a choropleth map depicting educational attainment and median household income in Michigan.
This video accompanies the GEO221v (Intro to Geographic Information) Activity (Coordinate Systems) for the Fundamentals of Two-dimensional Maps Lesson. The video aims to help students learn how to…