Search for tag: "corn"
Farm TourThe ladies of Sigma Alpha Professional Agricultural Sorority visit their family farms explain the farm duties. Jessica highlights her family’s cattle and crop farm and Megan interviews her dad…
From Anna Baker
6 plays
GEO151: Types of AgricultureThis video introduces students to the various ways agriculture may be characterized or classified.
From Juliegh Bookout
87 plays
Field Crops Webinar 3-22-21 - Grain Price Outlook and Marketing Strategies - Matt GammansIn the last session of the series, MSU agricultural economist Matthew Gammans focused on addressing grain price outlook and novel marketing strategies. He first went through the recent March USDA…
From Eric Anderson
59 plays
Field Crops Webinar 3-15-21 - Crop Fertility - Kurt Steinke and Jon LaPorteIn this fifth session, Kurt Steinke, MSU Extension field crop soil fertility specialist, and Jon LaPorte, MSU Extension farm management educator, focus on “Crop Fertility Decisions—When…
From Eric Anderson
45 plays