Search for tag: "dr. gary schnakenberg"

Dr. Gary Introduces the Quaternary and Quinary Sectors of Economic Activity

Dr. Gary explains the quaternary and quinary…

From  Beth Weisenborn 1,677 plays 0  

Dr. Gary Introduces the Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Sectors of Economic Activity

Dr. Gary introduces the concept of sectors of…

+14 More
From  Beth Weisenborn 980 plays 0  

Does This Place 'Make Sense'? Contradictions in Land-use Change

Dr. Gary examines land conversion from…

+9 More
From  Beth Weisenborn 335 plays 0  

Welcome Video for GEO 151v by Dr. Gary Schnakenberg

Welcoming video by Dr. Gary for GEO 151v, Intro…

+8 More
From  Beth Weisenborn 580 plays 0