08:08duration 8 minutes 8 seconds
Dr. Gary Introduces the Quaternary and Quinary…
Dr. Gary Introduces the Quaternary and Quinary Sectors of Economic Activity
Dr. Gary explains the quaternary and quinary…
05:47duration 5 minutes 47 seconds
Dr. Gary Introduces the Primary, Secondary, and…
Dr. Gary Introduces the Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Sectors of Economic Activity
Dr. Gary introduces the concept of sectors of…
04:17duration 4 minutes 17 seconds
Does This Place 'Make Sense'?…
Does This Place 'Make Sense'? Contradictions in Land-use Change
Dr. Gary examines land conversion from…
03:45duration 3 minutes 45 seconds
Welcome Video for GEO 151v by Dr. Gary…
Welcome Video for GEO 151v by Dr. Gary Schnakenberg
Welcoming video by Dr. Gary for GEO 151v, Intro…