03:46duration 3 minutes 46 seconds
Framing Video Umar Final
15:08duration 15 minutes 8 seconds
Introduction to civics1
20:30duration 20 minutes 30 seconds
2021 OPM Pest Quest
09:06duration 9 minutes 6 seconds
Is It Credible? Authorship and Authority
Get help 24-7 from a librarian though our chat service:https://lib.msu.edu/contact/askalib/
04:35duration 4 minutes 35 seconds
Introduction to the BS in Data Science Degree
Introduces the Bachelor of Science in Data Science Degree at MSU, offered through the CMSE, STT, and CSE departments.
11:06duration 11 minutes 6 seconds
OST 825: Gifford: Week 4: Social Determinants of…
OST 825: Gifford: Week 4: Social Determinants of Health: Birn
OST 825: week 4: SDH: Birn
15:40duration 15 minutes 40 seconds
VM 501-How veterinarians can and should…
VM 501-How veterinarians can and should contribute to health policy making at the local, state, national and international levels -Chaddock
04:04duration 4 minutes 4 seconds
return to work - 2 aspects
35:02duration 35 minutes 2 seconds
Elevator Pitch
Career Day Spring 2017 presentation about creating an elevator pitch.