Search for tag: "file"
Farm Financial Wellbeing WorksheetIn this video, MSUE farm business management educator Florencia Colella provides a walkthrough across a sample farm financial wellbeing worksheet. This material is based upon work that is supported…
From Florencia Colella
1 plays
CSE 101 - Windows File Management - MSU AFSOverview of computer file management, Windows File Explorer, flash drive management / operations, and MSU AFS file space operations. Total video is approximately 1:20 -- use of chapters to skip…
From cse101 CSE 101
1,068 plays
GEO221 Volunteered Geographic Information ActivityThis is a walk-through of the Geo221v Volunteered Geographic Information Activity. Use this video if you are trying to add a photo from Flickr's Creative Commons to your Google Earth placemark…
From Beth Weisenborn
10 plays
Groups in D2L: Creating ad-hoc D2L Groups During Class, Submitting Photos of Group Work , and Grading Groups using Rubrics 10/14At this week’s Explorations in Instructional Technologies brown bag seminar Jon Stoltzfus and Terri McElhinny, both of the College of Natural Science, will present “Groups in D2L:…
From Alanna Maree Bortle
42 plays