03:18duration 3 minutes 18 seconds
Instructor Introduction: Michelle Bullock (US24,…
Instructor Introduction: Michelle Bullock (US24, GEO203)
Video welcome from the Summer 2024 GEO 203…
03:34duration 3 minutes 34 seconds
Instructor Introduction: Michelle Bullock (US23,…
Instructor Introduction: Michelle Bullock (US23, GEO203)
Video welcome from the Summer 2023 GEO 203…
15:33duration 15 minutes 33 seconds
Geo 203v: Where to find course items
This video shows where materials needed for the…
03:16duration 3 minutes 16 seconds
GEO203: Introduction to your instructor, SS2023…
GEO203: Introduction to your instructor, SS2023 (Gabriela Shirkey)
Video welcome from the Spring 2023 GEO 221…
02:17duration 2 minutes 17 seconds
Instructor Introduction: Joey Seitz (SS22…
Instructor Introduction: Joey Seitz (SS22 GEO203/730)
Video introducing the Spring 2022 GEO 203v…