Search for tag: "ghs"

VIEYRA_OST822_GlobalHealthSecurity_2020-10-18 21-41-55

Description of TWO indicators comparing the GHS index and IHR for Argentina's situation.

+4 More
From  Sabrina Vieyra 3 plays 0  

OST 825: Gifford: Week 2 Chagas part 2

OST 825: Gifford- Week 2: Chagas 2

+24 More
From  Wendi Winston 87 plays 0  

OST 825: Gifford: Week 1: Introduction to the course

+24 More
From  Wendi Winston 22 plays 0  

OST 825: Gifford: Week 4: Structural Violence

Kaltura Capture recording - July 30th 2020, 2:23:53 pm

+25 More
From  Wendi Winston 66 plays 0