Search for tag: "graphic"
CAS206-PieChart-010325This is a video tutorial for CAS 206 showing how to create a pie chart using Adobe Illustrator.
From Richard Epps
1 plays
CAS206.BarChart.Part2.122724This is the second of two video tutorials on how to create a bar chart using Adobe Illustrator.
From Richard Epps
3 plays
CAS111-IntroductionThis is the introductory video for the CAS 111 class taught by Richard Epps.
From Richard Epps
37 plays
Graphic Design 200 (Online) Virtual Visit to Special Collections: Radicalism PostersThis is a 'virtual' visit to MSU Libraries' Special Collections department for students in the online class "History of Graphic Design" taught by Rebecca Cifaldi. This visit…
From Ruth Ann Jones
704 plays
Graphic Design 200 (Online) Virtual Visit to Special Collections: The Fine Press MovementThis is a "virtual visit" to MSU Libraries' Special Collections department, created for students in the MSU online class Graphic Design 200, by instructor Rebecca Cifaldi and librarian…
From Ruth Ann Jones
1,077 plays