Search for tag: "loops"
CSE 102 For Loops and range()Review of while loops, intro to for loops and the range() function
From Marilyn Wulfekuhler
3,893 plays
Vertical Mattress LHTo view all videos in the suture training series: thanks to Todd Moyerbrailean, DO, FACOOG for recording this…
From Crissy Hodges-Chakrani
9 plays
Simple Interrupted R HandTo view all videos in the suture training series: thanks to Todd Moyerbrailean, DO, FACOOG for recording this…
From Crissy Hodges-Chakrani
21 plays
Instrument Tie L HandTo view all videos in the suture training series: thanks to Todd Moyerbrailean, DO, FACOOG for recording this…
From Crissy Hodges-Chakrani
13 plays
VM 534-How to Place a Tie-Over Bandage - GallaherPlacement of a tie-over bandage using suture loops and umbilical tape.
From Hayley Gallaher
1,513 plays
VM 515-Placing a vet halter on a cowDr Thomson demonstrates how open up a halter from storage to usage, by identifying the short section of rope that goes across the bridge of the nose and then creating a large loop above and a small…
From Roger S Thomson
27 plays