26:40duration 26 minutes 40 seconds
GEO 215, Video Lecture for the Lesson on…
GEO 215, Video Lecture for the Lesson on Geospatial Methods & Tools
Lesson: Geospatial Methods & Tools. Unit: Geospatial Analytics & Sports. Created by onGEO for the Department of Geography, Environment, & Spatial Sciences
12:36duration 12 minutes 36 seconds
13:30duration 13 minutes 30 seconds
07:41duration 7 minutes 41 seconds
13:11duration 13 minutes 11 seconds
05:03duration 5 minutes 3 seconds
STT 200 Normal Distributions 1
STT 200 Normal Distributions 1 discusses properties of the normal distribution
05:15duration 5 minutes 15 seconds
ANTR510 (021) Pipe Cleaner Brachial Plexus
Description of the brachial plexus using a pipe cleaner model
08:16duration 8 minutes 16 seconds
VM 516-Forelimb branches of the brachial artery…
VM 516-Forelimb branches of the brachial artery and its continuation; carpal canal. Dissection video
04:23duration 4 minutes 23 seconds
VM516-Forelimb brachial plexus and branches of…
VM516-Forelimb brachial plexus and branches of the subclavian artery
19:09duration 19 minutes 9 seconds
Voting Strategies: Voting Paradoxes and the…
Voting Strategies: Voting Paradoxes and the Median Voter The
Continuation of lecture on Voting Strategies.