05:29duration 5 minutes 29 seconds
VM517 Parasympathetic and sympathetic system wire…
VM517 Parasympathetic and sympathetic system wire model demo
14:06duration 14 minutes 6 seconds
Axial Skeleton Generalities
02:32duration 2 minutes 32 seconds
VM 516-Equine hind limb Muscles of the caudal…
VM 516-Equine hind limb Muscles of the caudal crus and tibial nerve (dissection video)
05:22duration 5 minutes 22 seconds
VM 516-Equine hind limb lateral and cranial…
VM 516-Equine hind limb lateral and cranial crural mm, fibular and tibial nn (dissection video).mp4
04:35duration 4 minutes 35 seconds
VM 516 Nerves of the equine brachial plexus…
VM 516 Nerves of the equine brachial plexus (Dissection video)
04:38duration 4 minutes 38 seconds
VM 516-Nerves of the equine brachial plexus…
VM 516-Nerves of the equine brachial plexus (Dissection)
09:29duration 9 minutes 29 seconds
VM 516-Horse extrinsic m of forelimb and m of…
VM 516-Horse extrinsic m of forelimb and m of trunk, phrenic n (Dissection)
captioned Ioana Sonea 8/17/22
12:03duration 12 minutes 3 seconds
The Autonomic Nervous System - Rest and Digest…
The Autonomic Nervous System - Rest and Digest vs. Fight or Flight
03:35duration 3 minutes 35 seconds
VM 517-520-Major nerves of thorax dog Dissection…
VM 517-520-Major nerves of thorax dog Dissection video
05:10duration 5 minutes 10 seconds
VM 520-Thoracic wall muscles - Intercostal avn…
VM 520-Thoracic wall muscles - Intercostal avn Dog Dissection video
04:56duration 4 minutes 56 seconds
VM 520-Structures left side thorax…
VM 520-Structures left side thorax -nerves-esophagus-trachea
01:23duration 1 minute 23 seconds
VM 525-Inferior alveolar and infraorbital nn dog
08:07duration 8 minutes 7 seconds
Study of the Fight or Flight Response
In this video students will study their Fight or Flight response as a result of activation of different areas of their brain. In order to accomplish this, the students will perform an activity that…
36:26duration 36 minutes 26 seconds
VM 517-Section1_Day13_28Oct_10AM
03:43duration 3 minutes 43 seconds
VM 517-Demonstration of the auriculopalpebral and…
VM 517-Demonstration of the auriculopalpebral and supraorbital nerve blocks in horse (cadaver)
caption corrected by Ioana Sonea Oct 2022
23:01duration 23 minutes 1 second
VM 517-Day10_23Oct_8AM_Zoom Session