08:06duration 8 minutes 6 seconds
GEO330: Welcome to the Pacific Northwest
01:09:38duration 1 hour 9 minutes
SD2_1037 March 2021
01:27duration 1 minute 27 seconds
GEO330: Pacific Northwest: Physical Setting…
GEO330: Pacific Northwest: Physical Setting (addition on wine)
20:59duration 20 minutes 59 seconds
GEO330: Pacific Northwest: Physical Setting
09:29duration 9 minutes 29 seconds
GEO 206v: Week3 (Climate)
A look at the physical factors affecting climate.
01:00:46duration 1 hour 0 minutes
Linked Open Data: Interconnectivity Amplified
In this session, Sarah Seymore and Julie Simic will discuss how the University of Oregon migrated its digital collections to a new content management system and to linked open data (LOD).…
04:10duration 4 minutes 10 seconds
G330: Introduction to the Pacific Northwest
This video introduces students to the Pacific Northwest region.