Search for tag: "physical geography"

GEO 215, Video Lecture for the Lesson on Climate Change & Sports

Lesson: Climate Change & Sports. Unit: Physical Geography & Sports. Created by onGEO for the Department of Geography, Environment, & Spatial Sciences

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From  Beth Weisenborn 10 plays 0  

GEO 215, Video Lecture for the Lesson on Physical Landscapes & Ice Hockey

Lesson: Physical Landscapes & Ice Hockey. Unit: Physical Geography & Sports. Created by onGEO for the Department of Geography, Environment, & Spatial Sciences

+11 More
From  Beth Weisenborn 6 plays 0  

GEO 215, Video Lecture for the Lesson on Intro to Physical Geography

Lesson: Introduction to Physical Geography. Unit: Physical Geography & Sports. Created by onGEO for the Department of Geography, Environment, & Spatial Sciences

+8 More
From  Beth Weisenborn 9 plays 0  

GEO 206v-731 (Physical Geography): Introduction

An introductory video for GEO 206v-731, Physical Geography.

From  Kevin Mckeehan 4 plays 0  

GEO 206v: Week3 (Climate)

A look at the physical factors affecting climate.

From  Kevin Mckeehan 7 plays 0  

GEO 206v: Week2

A brief video describing pressure, winds, and atmospheric circulation and how they relate to arid environments.

+18 More
From  Kevin Mckeehan 14 plays 0  

GEO 206v (Physical Geography): Introduction

Introductory video from GEO 206v course instructor Kevin McKeehan for the first summer session.

From  Kevin Mckeehan 24 plays 0  

Intro to Geo 204v, Instructor Ida Djenontin, Spring 2021

GEO204v – Section 730 – World Regional Geography Instructor Introductory Video -- January 4th 2021 Ida Djenontin

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From  Ida Djenontin 78 plays 0  

GEO 206v -- Week 2

In the Week 2 video for GEO 206v, Instructor Kevin McKeehan discusses the distribution of arid environments with respect to atmospheric circulation and other physical systems.

From  Kevin Mckeehan 11 plays 0  

Welcome to GEO 206v -- Physical Geography

Introductory video for GEO 206v -- Physical Geography. Topics include brief introductions to the course and the scientific discipline of Physical Geography. By Kevin McKeehan, Instructor, Michigan…

From  Kevin Mckeehan 23 plays 0  

Introduction to GEO206: Physical Geography

This video is a brief introduction to the course by Juliegh Bookout.

From  Beth Weisenborn 576 plays 0  

ISS310v: Intro to Spheres of the Environment and the Atmosphere

This video introduces students to the lesson on the four spheres of the natural environment and the atmosphere.

+23 More
From  Beth Weisenborn 649 plays 0  

Deglaciation Sequence for Michigan, ~21,200 Years Ago to Present

Animation of the Deglaciation Sequence for Michigan: ~21,200 Years Ago to Present. Updated by: Randy Schaetzl and Caitlin Clark, 2015. Updated from: Krist, F.J. Jr. and D.P. Lusch. 2004. Glacial…

+10 More
From  Beth Weisenborn 1,676 plays 0  

Animation of a High Pressure System

"Air is pushed away from a high pressure system. The winds rotate clockwise (in the Northern Hemisphere, counter-clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere) and away from the system's…

+2 More
From  Beth Weisenborn 2,435 plays 0  

Animation of a Low Pressure System

"A low pressure system will pull in air from the surrounding area. Winds around a low spiral counter-clockwise (in the Northern Hemisphere, clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere) and upwards…

+2 More
From  Beth Weisenborn 2,876 plays 0  

Animation of Global Net Radiation

From "Net Radiation, July 2006 to December 2014" (EO-NASA; "Earth's net radiation, sometimes called net…

+3 More
From  Beth Weisenborn 1,072 plays 0