01:51duration 1 minute 51 seconds
day 7 announcements WR sept 18-19
CSE 102 Announcements, Day 7, September 18-19
08:16duration 8 minutes 16 seconds
STT 200 US24 Session B Introduction
Introduction to the course
17:36duration 17 minutes 36 seconds
Welcome 3- Routine Spring 2024- Byron
02:10duration 2 minutes 10 seconds
Welcome to GEO204 US23
GEO204 US23 Instructor Intro Welcome Video by Rui…
18:59duration 18 minutes 59 seconds
Week 12 Notes (FS22 GEO 221LAB, section 730)
Week 12 notes for Fall 2022 GEO 221LABv by Beth…