11:25duration 11 minutes 25 seconds
GEO331: 3B. Immigration: The Modern Era: 21st…
GEO331: 3B. Immigration: The Modern Era: 21st Century Trends
20:17duration 20 minutes 17 seconds
GEO331: 1A. European Settlement: The Norse, The…
GEO331: 1A. European Settlement: The Norse, The English, & The French
24:41duration 24 minutes 41 seconds
GEO331: 2B. Canada's Indigenous (Aboriginal)…
GEO331: 2B. Canada's Indigenous (Aboriginal) People: Under Canadian Control
33:04duration 33 minutes 4 seconds
PH 103 mod 11.mp4
19:21duration 19 minutes 21 seconds
PH 103 module 1
14:48duration 14 minutes 48 seconds
GEO151: Introduction to Human Populations
09:25duration 9 minutes 25 seconds
PH803 Module 1 - Introduction to Epidemiology,…
PH803 Module 1 - Introduction to Epidemiology, Part 1 of 3 - Lecture
25:20duration 25 minutes 20 seconds
GEO330: Final Exam Review
07:24duration 7 minutes 24 seconds
GEO330: Week 7: Coastal South & the…
GEO330: Week 7: Coastal South & the Application Assignment
07:36duration 7 minutes 36 seconds
GEO330: Week 6 Reflection Update and Inland South
23:36duration 23 minutes 36 seconds
ISS310: Colonialism & Conflict
20:54duration 20 minutes 54 seconds
ISS310: The Privilege of Nature
08:03duration 8 minutes 3 seconds
GEO330: Welcome to the Pacific and Far North
08:12duration 8 minutes 12 seconds
GEO330: Welcome to the Inland South
06:27duration 6 minutes 27 seconds
GEO330: Welcome to the Coastal South
22:50duration 22 minutes 50 seconds
GEO204: Middle America on the Map