Search for tag: "ppwr"

23_Auras_ Packaging Education in the US

Packaging Education in the US

From  Rafael Auras 8 plays 0  

21_Cotillon_FitNESS Platform

FitNESS Platform

From  Rafael Auras 4 plays 0  



From  Rafael Auras 3 plays 0  

19_Yannou-Le Bris_Challenges and levers for using reusable secondary pkg in logistics circuits

Challenges and levers for using reusable secondary pkg in logistics circuits -

From  Rafael Auras 1 plays 0  



From  Rafael Auras 3 plays 0  

Day 1_Wrap up_Domenek

Day 1_Wrap up_Domenek

From  Rafael Auras 5 plays 0  

15_Biant_Evaluation of recycled paper and board pkg contamination at the microscopic scale

Evaluation of recycled paper and board pkg contamination at the microscopic scale

From  Rafael Auras 5 plays 0  

14_Vitrac_Safety issues for recycled PET and beyond

Safety issues for recycled PET and beyond

From  Rafael Auras 4 plays 0  

10_Fischer_Recycled Plastics in Food Packaging

Recycled Plastics in Food Packaging

From  Rafael Auras 13 plays 0  

08_Stephens_Evolving Sustainable Packaging Regulations in North America

Evolving Sustainable Packaging Regulations in North America

From  Rafael Auras 6 plays 0  

05_Xia_Current Status of Recycling Plastics for Food Contact in China

Current Status of Recycling Plastics for Food Contact in China

From  Rafael Auras 5 plays 0  

04_Williams_Packaging Development for Reducing Food Waste

Packaging Development for Reducing Food Waste

From  Rafael Auras 3 plays 0  

03_Napierska_Revised EU rules on packaging & packaging waste - will they bring the much needed focus on prevention

Revised EU rules on packaging & packaging waste - will they bring the much needed focus on prevention

From  Rafael Auras 5 plays 0  

01_Kareen Desbouis - Consequences of the PPWR on the Corrugated Industry

Consequences of the PPWR on the Corrugated Industry

From  Rafael Auras 3 plays 0