Search for tag: "pse"

The Older Americans Act - What is it and why does it matter?

This Food Access and Older Adult chat features Lacey Boven, Regional Administrator for the Administration on Community Living. The Older Americans Act was signed in 1965 and supports many programs…

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From  Vanessa Armstrong 14 plays 0  

Double Up Food Bucks

An explanation of the Double Up Food Bucks program, and how the program identifies new partner locations.

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From  Veronica Dragovich 13 plays 0  

10 Cents a Meal Overview

An overview of the 10 Cents a Meal program with guest speakers from the program partners: Groundwork Center for Resilient Communities, MSU Extension Community Food Systems and the Michigan Department…

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From  Veronica Dragovich 5 plays 0  

Refresh School Breakfast Lunch

Refresh School Breakfast Lunch, a PSE learning opportunity led by Sarah Eichberger

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From  Veronica Dragovich 46 plays 0  

PSE in Practice Spotlight: Maggie Dougherty

PSE in Practice Spotlight featuring Maggie Dougherty, Community Nutrition Instructor in Saginaw County. Maggie talks about her work to re-establish a food pantry in Saginaw High School.

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From  Veronica Dragovich 56 plays 0  

PSE in Practice Spotlight: Vicki Ballas

PSE Spotlight featuring Vicki Ballas, Community Nutrition Instructor working in Alger and Marquette counties. Vicki shares how being involved in her community has aided in her work with partners to…

From  Veronica Dragovich 81 plays 0