16:16duration 16 minutes 16 seconds
GEO 215, Video Lecture for the Lesson on Culture
Lesson: Culture. Unit: Culture, Cultural Geography, & Mascots. Created by onGEO for the Department of Geography, Environment, & Spatial Sciences
01:17:57duration 1 hour 17 minutes
Resilient Fathers: Thriving in the Midst of a…
Resilient Fathers: Thriving in the Midst of a Pandemic: Fathers and Difficult Conversations about RACE
This presentation is aimed to educate on Race while promoting Culture and Ethnicity. Erasing the myths and cliches and uplifting what's real.
12:50duration 12 minutes 50 seconds
Mini Lecture 7.8 - Feeding Children with Love
23:18duration 23 minutes 18 seconds
November D2L Accessibility training
November's accessibility training focused on accessibility features in D2L HTML pages.
51:46duration 51 minutes 46 seconds