Search for tag: "race"
D3.2.2. Health Effects: Jesse Goodrich, University of Southern CaliforniaSession 1: New Discoveries in PFAS Health Effects National PFAS Conference Tuesday June 11, 2024
From Courtney Carignan
9 plays
GEO 215, Video Lecture for the Lesson on Auto RacingLesson: Auto Racing. Unit: North American Sports Diffusion. Created by onGEO for the Department of Geography, Environment, & Spatial Sciences
From Beth Weisenborn
8 plays
2023-12-7 Yeh Colloquium VideoDr. Cathery Yeh from the University of Texas at Austin is presenting at the 12/7/2023 Math Ed Colloquium. Title of the talk is DisCrit Noticing: Theorizing at the Intersections of Race and Ability in…
From Lisa Keller
7 plays
GEO 215, Video Lecture for the Lesson on Social Justice, Activism, & SportsLesson: Social Justice, Activism, & Sports. Unit: Racial Segregation & Sports. Created by onGEO for the Department of Geography, Environment, & Spatial Sciences
From Beth Weisenborn
8 plays
GEO 215, Video Lecture for the Lesson on Racial Segregation in the United StatesLesson: Racial Segregation in the United States. Unit: Racial Segregation & Sports. Created by onGEO for the Department of Geography, Environment, & Spatial Sciences
From Beth Weisenborn
2 plays
2023-02-27 Louie_Her_ColloquiumNicole Louie and Chundou Her from University of Wisconsin-Madison are presenting Building Racial Justice in Mathematics Education: A Seat at the Breakfast Table.
From Lisa Keller
25 plays