Nicole Louie and Chundou Her from University of Wisconsin-Madison are presenting Building Racial Justice in Mathematics Education: A Seat at the Breakfast Table.
Dr. Leslie Dietiker from Boston University presented "How Mathematical Plots Can Reveal New Characteristics of Math Lessons" at Michigan State University on 11/30/2022.
Paul Drijvers, scientific director at the Freudenthal Institute of Utrech University is presenting "Computational Thinking in the Mathematics Classroom".
Anna DeJarnette and Casey Hord from the University of Cincinnati are presenting Blended Perspectives: Studies of Discourse and Gesturing in Math and Special Education
Elizabeth de Freitas of Manchester Metropolitan University, England, is presenting "What is a Mathematical Concept?"
Karen King, Director of Research, NCTM, is presenting "Measuring Teachers' Use of Standards-based Instructional Materials".
Michelle Cirillo, University of Delaware and Jennifer Reed, Mathematics Teacher, Delaware are presenting "Learning Together Through Collaborative Research: The Case of Proof in Secondary…
Math Ed Colloquium, Oct 2, 2019: Victoria Hand, Elizabeth Mendoza, and
Justin TenEyck presented "Toward Re-humanizing Mathematics Education:
Participatory Approaches to Noticing in…
Amy Noelle Parks from MSU is presenting, Joy: The Zeroth Mathematical Practice.
Luis Leyva from Vanderbilt University is presenting The blending of academic and social support through apoyo and consejos in the mathematical success of three undergraduate Latinx engineering…
Professor Kevin Moore from the University of Georgia is presenting Students' graphing activities: Re-presentations of what?
Dr. Luz Maldonado from Texas State University is presenting "Bilingual Teachers' Professional Noticing of Bilingual Children's Mathematical Thinking."
Julia Aguirre from the University of Washington, Tacoma, is presenting "Math Strong: Amplifying Equity and Justice in Mathematics Education Research and Practice".
Dr. Maria del Rosario Zavala from San Francisco State University is presenting, "How does racial identity matter in the mathematics classroom?"