Dr. Rachel Lambert, University of California, Santa Barbara, is presenting: UDL (Universal Design for Learning) is a "way to move" Engaging educators in the spirit of UDL Math.
Dr. Cathery Yeh from the University of Texas at Austin is presenting at the 12/7/2023 Math Ed Colloquium. Title of the talk is DisCrit Noticing: Theorizing at the Intersections of Race and Ability in…
Dr. Ricardo Martinez, Assistant Professor at Pennsylvania State University, is presenting "The Praxis of Ethnic Studies as Ontological Playgrounds of Youth Liberation" on Wednesday, October…
Zoom Recording ID: 97774042463
UUID: syDn7Ai8T2W8AzWpF7tFcw==
Meeting Time: 2023-10-11 04:39:29pmGMT
Informational Meeting for the 2023 Briggs Summer Scholar program.
Nicole Louie and Chundou Her from University of Wisconsin-Madison are presenting Building Racial Justice in Mathematics Education: A Seat at the Breakfast Table.
Dr. Leslie Dietiker from Boston University presented "How Mathematical Plots Can Reveal New Characteristics of Math Lessons" at Michigan State University on 11/30/2022.
Paul Drijvers, scientific director at the Freudenthal Institute of Utrech University is presenting "Computational Thinking in the Mathematics Classroom".
Honors Project XA242 Weapons of Math Destruction